Static methods

@:value({ topToBottom : false })staticinlinebuildFromARGB(width:Int, height:Int, srcBytes:Bytes, topToBottom:Bool = false):Data

Creates BMP data from bytes in ARGB format for each pixel.

@:value({ topToBottom : false })staticinlinebuildFromBGRA(width:Int, height:Int, srcBytes:Bytes, topToBottom:Bool = false):Data

Creates BMP data from bytes in BGRA format for each pixel.

staticinlinecomputePaddedStride(width:Int, bpp:Int):Int


Extract BMP pixel data (24bpp in BGR format) and converts it to ARGB.


Extract BMP pixel data (24bpp in BGR format) and expands it to BGRA, removing any padding in the process.


Gets number of colors for indexed palettes