Node.js globals

Static variables

staticread only__dirname:String

This variable may appear to be global but is not. See __dirname.

staticread only__filename:String

This variable may appear to be global but is not. See __filename.

staticread onlyconsole:Console

Used to print to stdout and stderr. See the console section.

staticread onlyexports:Dynamic<Dynamic>

This variable may appear to be global but is not. See exports.

@:value(cast Node)staticinlineread onlyglobal:Dynamic<Dynamic> = cast Node

In browsers, the top-level scope is the global scope. This means that within the browser var something will define a new global variable. In Node.js this is different. The top-level scope is not the global scope; var something inside a Node.js module will be local to that module.

staticread onlymodule:Module

This variable may appear to be global but is not. See module.

staticread onlyprocess:Process

The process object. See the process object section.

Static methods


clearImmediate is described in the timers section.


clearInterval is described in the timers section.


clearTimeout is described in the timers section.

staticqueueMicrotask(callback:() ‑> Void):Void

The queueMicrotask() method queues a microtask to invoke callback. If callback throws an exception, the process object 'uncaughtException' event will be emitted.

The microtask queue is managed by V8 and may be used in a similar manner to the Process.nextTick() queue, which is managed by Node.js. The Process.nextTick() queue is always processed before the microtask queue within each turn of the Node.js event loop.


This variable may appear to be global but is not. See require().

staticsetImmediate(callback:Function, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Immediate

setImmediate is described in the timers section.

staticsetInterval(callback:Function, delay:Int, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Timeout

setInterval is described in the timers section.

staticsetTimeout(callback:Function, delay:Int, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Timeout

setTimeout is described in the timers section.