Type of the options object passed to Http.request.



A number specifying the socket timeout in milliseconds. This will set the timeout before the socket is connected.


Unix Domain Socket (cannot be used if one of host or port is specified, those specify a TCP Socket).


Specifies whether or not to automatically add the Host header. Defaults to true.


Protocol to use.

Default: 'http:'.


Port of remote server.

Default: defaultPort if set, else 80.


Request path. Should include query string if any. E.G. '/index.html?page=12'. An exception is thrown when the request path contains illegal characters. Currently, only spaces are rejected but that may change in the future.

Default: '/'.


A string specifying the HTTP request method.

Default: 'GET'.


Local interface to bind for network connections.


Alias for host. To support url.parse(), hostname will be used if both host and hostname are specified.


A domain name or IP address of the server to issue the request to.

Default: 'localhost'.

@:optionaloptionalheaders:Null<DynamicAccess<EitherType<String, Array<String>>>>

An object containing request headers.


IP address family to use when resolving host or hostname. Valid values are 4 or 6. When unspecified, both IP v4 and v6 will be used.


Default port for the protocol.

Default: agent.defaultPort if an Agent is used, else undefined.

@:optionaloptionalcreateConnection:Null<(options:SocketConnectOptionsTcp, callabck:(err:Error, stream:IDuplex) ‑> Void) ‑> IDuplex>

A function that produces a socket/stream to use for the request when the agent option is not used. This can be used to avoid creating a custom Agent class just to override the default createConnection function. See agent.createConnection() for more details. Any Duplex stream is a valid return value.


Basic authentication i.e. 'user:password' to compute an Authorization header.

@:optionaloptionalagent:Null<EitherType<Agent, Bool>>

Controls Agent behavior.

Possible values:

  • undefined (default): use http.globalAgent for this host and port.
  • Agent object: explicitly use the passed in Agent.
  • false : causes a new Agent with default values to be used.