

Creates a new Array.


read onlylength:Int

The length of this Array.



Returns an iterator of the Array values.


Returns a string representation of this Array, with sep separating each element.

The result of this operation is equal to Std.string(this[0]) + sep + Std.string(this[1]) + sep + ... + sep + Std.string(this[this.length-1])

If this is the empty Array [], the result is the empty String "". If this has exactly one element, the result is equal to a call to Std.string(this[0]).

If sep is null, the result is unspecified.


Adds the element x at the end of this Array and returns the new length of this Array.

This operation modifies this Array in place.

this.length increases by 1.


Removes the first element of this Array and returns it.

This operation modifies this Array in place.

If this has at least one element, this.length and the index of each remaining element is decreased by 1.

If this is the empty Array [], null is returned and the length remains 0.


Returns a string representation of this Array.

The result will include the individual elements' String representations separated by comma. The enclosing [ ] may be missing on some platforms, use Std.string() to get a String representation that is consistent across platforms.