This class inherits from net.Server.



Limit the amount of time the parser will wait to receive the complete HTTP headers.

In case of inactivity, the rules defined in server.timeout apply. However, that inactivity based timeout would still allow the connection to be kept open if the headers are being sent very slowly (by default, up to a byte per 2 minutes). In order to prevent this, whenever header data arrives an additional check is made that more than server.headersTimeout milliseconds has not passed since the connection was established. If the check fails, a 'timeout' event is emitted on the server object, and (by default) the socket is destroyed. See server.timeout for more information on how timeout behavior can be customized.

Default: 40000


The number of milliseconds of inactivity a server needs to wait for additional incoming data, after it has finished writing the last response, before a socket will be destroyed. If the server receives new data before the keep-alive timeout has fired, it will reset the regular inactivity timeout, i.e., server.timeout.

A value of 0 will disable the keep-alive timeout behavior on incoming connections A value of 0 makes the http server behave similarly to Node.js versions prior to 8.0.0, which did not have a keep-alive timeout.

The socket timeout logic is set up on connection, so changing this value only affects new connections to the server, not any existing connections.

Default: 5000 (5 seconds).


Limits maximum incoming headers count. If set to 0, no limit will be applied.

Default: 2000


The number of milliseconds of inactivity before a socket is presumed to have timed out.

A value of 0 will disable the timeout behavior on incoming connections.

The socket timeout logic is set up on connection, so changing this value only affects new connections to the server, not any existing connections.

To change the default timeout use the --http-server-default-timeout flag.

Default: 120000 (2 minutes)


setTimeout(msecs:Int, ?callback:Socket ‑> Void):Void

Sets the timeout value for sockets, and emits a 'timeout' event on the Server object, passing the socket as an argument, if a timeout occurs.

If there is a 'timeout' event listener on the Server object, then it will be called with the timed-out socket as an argument.

By default, the Server's timeout value is 2 minutes, and sockets are destroyed automatically if they time out. However, if a callback is assigned to the Server's 'timeout' event, timeouts must be handled explicitly.

To change the default timeout use the --http-server-default-timeout flag.

Inherited Variables

Defined by Server

read onlyconnections:Null<Int>

Deprecated: "please use `getConnections` instead"

The number of concurrent connections on the server.

This becomes null when sending a socket to a child with child_process.fork(). To poll forks and get current number of active connections use asynchronous getConnections instead.

read onlylistening:Bool

A boolean indicating whether or not the server is listening for connections.


Set this property to reject connections when the server's connection count gets high. It is not recommended to use this option once a socket has been sent to a child with child_process.fork().

Inherited Methods

Defined by Server


Returns the bound address, the address family name and port of the server as reported by the operating system. Useful to find which port was assigned when giving getting an OS-assigned address.

close(?callback:() ‑> Void):Void

close(callback:Error ‑> Void):Void

Stops the server from accepting new connections and keeps existing connections. This function is asynchronous, the server is finally closed when all connections are ended and the server emits a 'close' event.

The optional callback will be called once the 'close' event occurs. Unlike that event, it will be called with an Error as its only argument if the server was not open when it was closed.

getConnections(callback:(Error, Int) ‑> Void):Void

Asynchronously get the number of concurrent connections on the server. Works when sockets were sent to forks.

listen(options:EitherType<ServerListenOptionsTcp, ServerListenOptionsUnix>, ?callback:() ‑> Void):Void

listen(path:String, ?callback:() ‑> Void):Void

listen(handle:EitherType<Dynamic, {fd:Int}>, ?callback:() ‑> Void):Void

listen(port:Int, ?callback:() ‑> Void):Void

listen(port:Int, backlog:Int, ?callback:() ‑> Void):Void

listen(port:Int, hostname:String, ?callback:() ‑> Void):Void

listen(port:Int, hostname:String, backlog:Int, ?callback:() ‑> Void):Void

Begin accepting connections on the specified port and hostname.

If the hostname is omitted, the server will accept connections on any IPv6 address (::) when IPv6 is available, or any IPv4 address ( otherwise. A port value of zero will assign a random port.

backlog is the maximum length of the queue of pending connections. The actual length will be determined by your OS through sysctl settings such as tcp_max_syn_backlog and somaxconn on linux. The default value of this parameter is 511 (not 512).

When path is provided, start a local socket server listening for connections on the given path.

When handle is provided, it should be either a server or socket (anything with an underlying _handle member), or a {fd: } object. This will cause the server to accept connections on the specified handle, but it is presumed that the file descriptor or handle has already been bound to a port or domain socket. Listening on a file descriptor is not supported on Windows.

This function is asynchronous. When the server has been bound, 'listening' event will be emitted. The last parameter callback will be added as an listener for the 'listening' event.


Opposite of unref, calling ref on a previously unrefd server will not let the program exit if it's the only server left (the default behavior).

If the server is refd calling ref again will have no effect.


Calling unref on a server will allow the program to exit if this is the only active server in the event system. If the server is already unrefd calling unref again will have no effect.

Defined by EventEmitter

addListener<T>(eventName:Event<T>, listener:T):TSelf

emit<T>(eventName:Event<T>, args:Rest<Dynamic>):Bool

Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event named eventName, in the order they were registered, passing the supplied arguments to each.

See also:

eventNames():Array<EitherType<String, Symbol>>

Returns an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners. The values in the array will be strings or Symbols.

See also:


Returns the current max listener value for the EventEmitter which is either set by emitter.setMaxListeners(n) or defaults to EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners.

See also:


Returns the number of listeners listening to the event named eventName.

See also:


Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named eventName.

See also:

off<T>(eventName:Event<T>, listener:T):TSelf

on<T>(eventName:Event<T>, listener:T):TSelf

Adds the listener function to the end of the listeners array for the event named eventName. No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of eventName and listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.

See also:

once<T>(eventName:Event<T>, listener:T):TSelf

Adds a one-time listener function for the event named eventName. The next time eventName is triggered, this listener is removed and then invoked.

See also:

prependListener<T>(eventName:Event<T>, listener:T):TSelf

Adds the listener function to the beginning of the listeners array for the event named eventName. No checks are made to see if the listener has already been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of eventName and listener will result in the listener being added, and called, multiple times.

See also:

prependOnceListener<T>(eventName:Event<T>, listener:T):TSelf

Adds a one-time listener function for the event named eventName to the beginning of the listeners array. The next time eventName is triggered, this listener is removed, and then invoked.

See also:


Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named eventName, including any wrappers (such as those created by .once()).

See also:


Removes all listeners, or those of the specified eventName.

See also:

removeListener<T>(eventName:Event<T>, listener:T):TSelf

Removes the specified listener from the listener array for the event named eventName.

See also:


By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are added for a particular event. This is a useful default that helps finding memory leaks. Obviously, not all events should be limited to just 10 listeners. The emitter.setMaxListeners() method allows the limit to be modified for this specific EventEmitter instance. The value can be set to Infinity (or 0) to indicate an unlimited number of listeners.

See also: