The assert module provides a set of assertion functions for verifying invariants. The module provides a recommended strict mode and a more lenient legacy mode.

See also:

Static variables

staticread onlystrict:Assert

In strict mode, assert functions use the comparison in the corresponding strict functions. For example, Assert.deepEqual() will behave like Assert.deepStrictEqual().

See also:

Static methods

@:selfCallstaticassert(value:Dynamic, ?message:String):Void

@:selfCallstaticassert(value:Dynamic, ?message:Error):Void

staticdeepEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String):Void

staticdeepEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error):Void


staticdeepStrictEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String):Void

staticdeepStrictEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error):Void

Tests for deep equality between the actual and expected parameters. "Deep" equality means that the enumerable "own" properties of child objects are recursively evaluated also by the following rules.

See also:

staticdoesNotReject(asyncFn:Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Dynamic ‑> Bool, ?message:String):Void

staticdoesNotReject(asyncFn:() ‑> Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Class<Dynamic>, ?message:String):Void

staticdoesNotReject(asyncFn:() ‑> Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:RegExp, ?message:String):Void

staticdoesNotReject(asyncFn:() ‑> Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Dynamic ‑> Bool, ?message:String):Void

staticdoesNotReject(asyncFn:Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Class<Dynamic>, ?message:String):Void

staticdoesNotReject(asyncFn:Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:RegExp, ?message:String):Void

Awaits the asyncFn promise or, if asyncFn is a function, immediately calls the function and awaits the returned promise to complete. It will then check that the promise is not rejected.

See also:

staticdoesNotThrow(fn:() ‑> Void, ?error:Dynamic ‑> Bool, ?message:String):Void

staticdoesNotThrow(fn:() ‑> Void, ?error:Class<Dynamic>, ?message:String):Void

staticdoesNotThrow(fn:() ‑> Void, ?error:RegExp, ?message:String):Void

Asserts that the function fn does not throw an error.

Using Assert.doesNotThrow() is actually not useful because there is no benefit in catching an error and then rethrowing it. Instead, consider adding a comment next to the specific code path that should not throw and keep error messages as expressive as possible.

See also:

staticequal<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error):Void

staticequal<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String):Void



Throws an AssertionError with the provided error message or a default error message. If the message parameter is an instance of an Error then it will be thrown instead of the AssertionError.

See also:

@:native("fail")staticfail_<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error, ?operator_:String, ?stackStartFn:Function):Void

@:native("fail")staticfail<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String, ?operator_:String, ?stackStartFn:Function):Void


Throws an AssertionError. If message is falsy, the error message is set as the values of actual and expected separated by the provided operator. Otherwise, the error message is the value of message.

See also:


Throws value if value is not undefined or null. This is useful when testing the error argument in callbacks. The stack trace contains all frames from the error passed to ifError() including the potential new frames for ifError() itself.

See also:

staticnotDeepEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String):Void

staticnotDeepEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error):Void


staticnotDeepStrictEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String):Void

staticnotDeepStrictEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error):Void

staticnotEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String):Void

staticnotEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error):Void


staticnotStrictEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String):Void

staticnotStrictEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error):Void

Tests strict inequality between the actual and expected parameters as determined by the SameValue Comparison.

See also:

staticok(value:Dynamic, ?message:String):Void

staticok(value:Dynamic, ?message:Error):Void

Tests if value is truthy. It is equivalent to Assert.equal(!!value, true, message).

See also:

staticrejects(asyncFn:Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Error, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:() ‑> Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Class<Dynamic>, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:() ‑> Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:RegExp, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:() ‑> Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Dynamic ‑> Bool, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:() ‑> Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Dynamic, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:() ‑> Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Error, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Class<Dynamic>, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:RegExp, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Dynamic ‑> Bool, ?message:String):Void

staticrejects(asyncFn:Promise<Dynamic>, ?error:Dynamic, ?message:String):Void

Awaits the asyncFn promise or, if asyncFn is a function, immediately calls the function and awaits the returned promise to complete. It will then check that the promise is rejected.

See also:

staticstrictEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:String):Void

staticstrictEqual<T>(actual:T, expected:T, ?message:Error):Void

Tests strict equality between the actual and expected parameter as determined by the SameValue Comparison.

See also:

staticthrows(fn:() ‑> Void, ?error:Error, ?message:String):Void

staticthrows(fn:() ‑> Void, ?error:RegExp, ?message:String):Void

staticthrows(fn:() ‑> Void, ?error:Dynamic ‑> Bool, ?message:String):Void

staticthrows(fn:() ‑> Void, ?error:Dynamic, ?message:String):Void

Expects the function fn to throw an error.

See also: