

If true the server will request a certificate from clients that connect and attempt to verify that certificate. Default: false.


If true the server will reject any connection which is not authorized with the list of supplied CAs. This option only has an effect if requestCert is true. Default: false.

@:optionaloptionalSNICallback:Null<(servername:String, cb:Error ‑> SecureContext) ‑> Void>

A function that will be called if client supports SNI TLS extension. Two argument will be passed to it: servername, and cb. SNICallback should invoke cb(null, ctx), where ctx is a SecureContext instance. (You can use tls.createSecureContext(...) to get proper SecureContext). If SNICallback wasn't provided - default callback with high-level API will be used.

@:optionaloptionalNPNProtocols:Null<EitherType<Array<String>, Buffer>>

possible NPN protocols. (Protocols should be ordered by their priority).