Enumeration of events emitted by the Interface objects.


@:value(cast "close")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyClose:InterfaceEvent<() ‑> Void> = "close"

The 'close' event is emitted when one of the following occur:

See also:

@:value(cast "line")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyLine:InterfaceEvent<String ‑> Void> = "line"

The 'line' event is emitted whenever the input stream receives an end-of-line input (\n, \r, or \r\n).

See also:

@:value(cast "pause")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyPause:InterfaceEvent<() ‑> Void> = "pause"

The 'pause' event is emitted when one of the following occur:

See also:

@:value(cast "resume")@:enum@:implinlineread onlyResume:InterfaceEvent<() ‑> Void> = "resume"

The 'resume' event is emitted whenever the input stream is resumed.

See also:

@:value(cast "SIGCONT")@:enum@:implinlineread onlySIGCONT:InterfaceEvent<() ‑> Void> = "SIGCONT"

The 'SIGCONT' event is emitted when a Node.js process previously moved into the background using <ctrl>-Z (i.e. SIGTSTP) is then brought back to the foreground using fg(1p).

See also:

@:value(cast "SIGINT")@:enum@:implinlineread onlySIGINT:InterfaceEvent<() ‑> Void> = "SIGINT"

The 'SIGINT' event is emitted whenever the input stream receives a <ctrl>-C input, known typically as SIGINT.

See also:

@:value(cast "SIGTSTP")@:enum@:implinlineread onlySIGTSTP:InterfaceEvent<() ‑> Void> = "SIGTSTP"

The 'SIGTSTP' event is emitted when the input stream receives a <ctrl>-Z input, typically known as SIGTSTP.

See also: