
@:optionaloptionalwritev:Null<(chunks:Array<Chunk>, callback:Null<Error> ‑> Void) ‑> Void>

writev Implementation for the stream._writev() method.

@:optionaloptionalwrite:Null<(chunk:Dynamic, encoding:String, callback:Null<Error> ‑> Void) ‑> Void>

write Implementation for the stream._write() method.


objectMode Whether or not the stream.write(anyObj) is a valid operation. When set, it becomes possible to write JavaScript values other than string, Buffer or Uint8Array if supported by the stream implementation. Default: false.


highWaterMark Buffer level when stream.write() starts returning false. Default: 16384 (16kb), or 16 for objectMode streams.

@:optionaloptionalfinal_:Null<(error:Null<Error>) ‑> Void>

final Implementation for the stream._final() method.


emitClose Whether or not the stream should emit 'close' after it has been destroyed. Default: true.

@:optionaloptionaldestroy:Null<(error:Null<Error>, callback:Null<Error> ‑> Void) ‑> Void>

destroy Implementation for the stream._destroy() method.


defaultEncoding The default encoding that is used when no encoding is specified as an argument to stream.write(). Default: 'utf8'.


decodeStrings Whether to encode strings passed to stream.write() to Buffers (with the encoding specified in the stream.write() call) before passing them to stream._write(). Other types of data are not converted (i.e. Buffers are not decoded into strings). Setting to false will prevent strings from being converted. Default: true.


autoDestroy Whether this stream should automatically call .destroy() on itself after ending. Default: false.