Build and debug cross platform applications using Haxe.
HaxeDevelop is free and available on Windows.

Download 5.3.3
Released: 28-02-2018

Powerful features

HaxeDevelop offers first class support for Haxe development: great and fast code completion & code generation, refactoring, projects compilation, debugging, plenty of project templates, etc.

HaxeDevelop is a great developer IDE with integrated source-control support (svn, git, mercurial), tasks/todo, snippets, plugin support, XML/HTML/CSS completion and even built-in zen-coding for HTML.

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HaxeDevelop interface

System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7+ with .NET 3.5
  • Mac OSX/Linux compatible using virtualization software or Wine/CrossOver
  • Native (Qt) Mac OSX/Linux helper is available to improve OS integration

Open Source

HaxeDevelop is being developed on GitHub. Feel free to contribute, test the latest build and don't forget to star us on Github!

HaxeDevelop on Github