Learning the editor


We'll always offer word completion, but for our main languages, we offer true IntelliSense.

  • Open the context sensitive IntelliSense using CTRL+SPACE.
  • To get a full list of classes, press CTRL+ALT+SPACE.
HaxeDevelop IntelliSense

Hint: The suggestions filtering supports CamelCase so you can type the upper case letters of a method or class name to directly go to a suggestion.

For example, "dt" will quickly bring up DateTools.


To open a resource, press Ctrl+R and search for a class or file in the project.

HaxeDevelop IntelliSense

Go to definition

If the language supports it, you can go to the definition of a symbol by pressing F4. To navigate back, press Shift-F4.

Duplicate lines in HaxeDevelop

Quick selection

  • Shrink your selection using Ctrl+Shift+Left.
  • Expand your selection using Ctrl+Shift+Right.
Make a selection in HaxeDevelop

Multiline selection

Press and hold Alt and make selection over multiple lines. Multi lines selection in HaxeDevelop

Duplicating lines

Press Ctrl+D to duplicate a line.

Duplicate lines in HaxeDevelop

Move lines up/down

Press Ctrl+Alt+Up and Ctrl+Alt+Down to move the current selected line up or down.

Moving lines in HaxeDevelop


Region folding is possible with HaxeDevelop using special comments. 'region' and 'end region' are cosmetic but can be useful information.

//{ region name
//} end region 

Task List

In order to add, remove or edit task 'switches', you go to:
Tools -> Program Settings -> TaskListPanel -> Group Values

To add something to the task list, type the following:

//TODO something I need to do
//BUG some annoying bug
//FIXME some restore needed 
Task List in HaxeDevelop


Navigate in results

  • To navigate to the next result in the results panel, press F12.
  • To show the previous result in the results panel, press Shift+F12.

Browse through HaxeDevelop resultspanel